Procedure to be followed for the acceptance of a certificate of being a student (study certificate) using an electronic signature from an authorized person

23. 09. 2020

For the school year 2020/2021 and because of the current epidemic, schools have begun to issue students with a currently studying “study certificate” using an electronic signature from an authorized person. As a result, it is not possible to verify the authenticity of the signature as can be done when there is a paper certificate. To get around this problem, students can have Czech POINT convert their electronic school certificate into one in paper form. Another alternative is as follows:

Alternative verification procedure:

  1. The passenger (student) will send to his/her registered e-mail address and enclose his/her electronically verified study certificate.
  2. No later than the next work day, an infoline (customer service) employee will process the e-mail, verify the electronic version of the “study certificate” and, if the registered e-mail is linked to the same passenger, then enter the student’s name in the database of those persons registered in the MOS Student Category 18-26 years (passenger type) according to the following key:

    Company: OICT
    Type of passenger: Student 18-26 
    Valid from: discount start date
    Valid to: based on the length of the period covered by the study certificate (the latest being 31.10 of the following year or until the day before the 26th birthday of the passenger).
    Simultaneously with the setting of the passenger's tariff category, the infoline employee will also verify the date of birth in the account.
  3. The passenger is then informed by e-mail about the registration of the discount, which will then be accepted at points of sale of the Prague Integrated Transport (PID) network.

This is the acceptance procedure which will be in use from 23 September 2020 until further notice.

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