Novelties on the DPP website

13. 06. 2024

The Prague Public Transit Company brings novelties to passengers on its website. Based on the testing and evaluation of the poll from this January, the following changes have been made.

 Change of the graphic form of the homepage

The homepage of the DPP website has been given a new, more modern look, and the content in the second half of the website has been expanded. At the same time, easy access to the most frequently searched information such as the connection search engine, timetables and overview of transport restrictions has been maintained.

 Improvement of the clarity of transport restrictions and extraordinary events

The section of the homepage devoted to transport restrictions and extraordinary events has been redesigned so that it is clearer, and the passenger can see at first glance what is happening in Prague public transport traffic and may thus influence the planned journey. Emergency events are now automatically prioritised ahead of planned transport restrictions.

 Addition of information to the fare price list 

Within the fare price list, information is now available on the possibility of purchasing according to a specific fare. For example, for electronic coupons for Prague (zones P, 0 and B) an option of purchasing via selected ticket machines can be found.

 Modification of the list of points of sale 

The list of points of sale offers modified filtering options, and in the list of ticket machines it is possible to search for the mentioned option of purchasing an electronic coupon for Prague (zones P, 0 and B).


Current departures, what to do if I lose something in public transport, or advice for visitors to the metropolis? Not only this information can be found in the Tips section in the second half of the website.

In case of any questions or comments you can use our contact form.

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