Permanent changes of PID from 1st of September 2019

01. 09. 2019

Starting on Sunday, the 1st of September 2019, several permanent changes and modifications in the PID operation will apply. The most significant ones in the area of the Capital City of Prague include especially the following changes in bus operation:

  • Line no. 108 is, on the section between the stops Sibiřské náměstí and Zelená, routed in both directions via the newly established stops Českomalínská and Rooseveltova (the Goetheho stops, in the direction to Sídliště Na Dědině, and the Nemocnice Bubeneč stop, in both directions, are cancelled).
  • Line no. 130 is newly operated also at the weekends.
  • For line no. 164, the Sportovní centrum Řepy stop is established in both directions in Na Chobotě street.
  • For lines no. 201 and 953, the Kbelský lesopark stop is established in both directions in Toužimská street.
  • For line no. 225, the Na Pastvinách stop is established in the direction to Velká Ohrada in Na Pastvinách street.

Names of stops are changed:

  • Úřad Řepy – new name: Radnice Řepy
  • Letecké opravny – new name: Sportovní centrum Kbely

Moreover, there are changes in the character of several bus stops, in modifications of timetables of some lines and in other partial adjustments.

We apologise for potential inconveniences and we thank you for your understanding.

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