
In the metro, transport of bicycles is permitted on the first and last platform of each vehicle of the metro set (a maximum of two bicycles per platform), except for the first platform of the set. Permitted or prohibited boarding is marked by the following pictograms on each door of the metro set. Transport of bicycles is free of charge.

Selected elevators in the metro stations can be used for transport of bicycles – these elevators are marked by a blue pictogram of a bicycle (previews below). At the moment, these elevators are located in these stations Anděl, Bořislavka, Černý Most, Háje, Chodov, Karlovo náměstíLádví, Letňany, Národní třída, Nemocnice Motol, OpatovPalmovka, Pankrác, Petřiny, Prosek, Roztyly, Skalka and Střížkov.

Tips for placing bicycles in metro vehicles

  • In all vehicles of the metro set, on the right side of the intended platforms, be careful in the stations with side platforms (Hlavní nádraží, Prosek, Rajská zahrada, Střížkov, Vyšehrad).
  • In the last vehicle of the metro set, the bicycle may also be placed along the rear wall of the last platform, the more on the right side of the vehicle, the better.
  • On lines A and B, both outer vehicles have more space also at the other end of the vehicle (where there is no driver's cabin).

Internal platforms (i.e. 2nd and 3rd door) of all vehicles and the first platform of the entire metro set are not intended for transport of bicycles. The reason is to enable other passengers to move around vehicles and to facilitate potentially emergency entry of the driver to the area for passengers.

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