Code of Conduct

Who we are and our mission

We are the most important strategic passenger carrier within the integrated transport system in the territory of the capital city of Prague and in the adjacent suburban areas of the Central Bohemian Region.
We operate in a safe, environmentally friendly and reliable manner, providing a quality, safe and reliable transport service available to the travelling public.

The clear interest of the Prague Transit Company (hereinafter referred to as "DPP") is to conduct its business in a lawful manner and with a high regard for ethical standards and passenger rights, to develop honest business activities, and in no case to participate in or benefit from criminal activities.

With this approach, we want to contribute to a positive perception of Prague's local government and strive to improve the standard of living in the capital city.      

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to observe generally accepted ethical principles, to develop positive relationships with passengers and business partners and to refrain from any unlawful conduct, with an emphasis on eliminating or reducing the risk of criminal liability for DPP, and to consistently prevent the commission of criminal activities.

The Code of Conduct is a set of rules of conduct that DPP has established and expects to follow. It should be a guide for everyone in making decisions and accepting moral responsibility for their actions.

In a broader sense, the Code of Conduct serves as a complement to the Anti-Corruption Rules, the Crime Prevention Programme and DPP's Anti-Corruption Programme. All of these internal standards, taken together, are intended to ensure, inter alia, the effective management of risks of misconduct, including corruption risks, and the proper functioning of the Compliance Management System in the DPP environment. These standards clearly define the principles and rules of desirable conduct in accordance with the requirements of the founder of DPP, the City of Prague.

Basic principles
1) In its business and other activities, DPP complies with the legal regulations of the Czech Republic and generally accepted and recognised standards of morality and ethics, with emphasis on the legitimate interests of passengers.

DPP is committed to reliable, fair and trustworthy conduct.

2) In selecting business partners, DPP shall comply with the rules of public procurement and fair competition.
3) DPP expresses zero tolerance for the commission of any criminal or misdemeanour activity and corrupt behaviour.

Specific rules

I.    DPP in relation to the state and civil society
1) keeps accounts in such a way that they contain true and accurate information on the management, pays taxes and other statutory payments properly and on time,
2) keeps all its official documents in accordance with the relevant legislation,
3) actively cooperates with public authorities and provides them with truthful information,
4) voluntarily discloses information about its activities and its activities to the extent appropriate,
5) communicates openly and transparently with the public through designated persons or public communication channels,
6) completely rejects child and forced labour, and does not practice any form of discrimination, exploitation or slavery,
7) is committed to the protection of the environment and the prevention of environmental damage,
8) to the best of its ability and in accordance with DPP's internal standards, supports charitable activities, sponsors charitable events with a generally beneficial purpose, without expecting any reciprocal consideration,
9) does not provide any donations or undue benefits to political parties, political movements, political figures or other entities closely related to political parties.

II.    DPP in relation to passengers
1) provides high quality and professional services to ensure the safety and satisfaction of passengers,
2) acts in such a way as not to cause harm to passengers,
3) fulfils its obligations arising from the legal regulations of the Czech Republic and the Contractual Terms & Conditions of Carriage,
4) communicates true, undistorted and complete information in a clear and comprehensible manner when offering services to passengers.

III.    DPP in relation to business partners
1) treats its business partners professionally and fairly and builds mutual trust,
2) preserves business secrets and respects the confidentiality of information about its business partners,
3) consistently fulfils agreed contractual terms and conditions and avoids making commitments that it will be unable to honour,
4) expects and ensures, through contractual mechanisms, that its business partners subscribe to, transparently declare and abide by the same ethical, moral and professional principles and principles as those expressed in the Code of Conduct,
5) always acts in accordance with the applicable legislation, in particular the applicable wording of the Public Procurement Act and the internal standards of DPP governing related issues, with emphasis on the principles of transparency, proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination.

IV.    DPP in relation to competitors
1) complies with the rules of competition,
2) does not abuse its market position.

V.    DPP in relation to employees
1) ensures an adequate and motivating working environment for its employees,
2) in accordance with the Labour Code, ensures , in particular, special legal protection of the status of employees, satisfactory and safe conditions for the performance of work, fair remuneration of employees, proper performance of work by the employee in accordance with the legitimate interests of the employer, equal treatment of employees and prohibition of discrimination against them,
3) actively promotes regular training, professional and personal development of its employees,
4) grants employees access to all information that employees should know or need to know for their work,
5) recruits new employees on the basis of transparent selection procedures, according to their qualifications, skills and abilities, in accordance with internal standards,
6) is transparent in terminating employment,
7) guarantees that the allegation will not have any negative consequences relating to the staff member or persons close to the staff member, and any other whistleblower who in good faith alleges unethical or criminal conduct in accordance with the Code of Conduct and other internal standards of DPP. In the event of legitimate complaints, an appropriate redress will be provided and measures taken to prevent recurrence.

VI.    Employee and responsible person1
1) act at all times in the interest of DPP and in such a way as not to bring DPP into disrepute,
2) comply with the applicable legal regulations of the Czech Republic and adopt the internal standards of DPP relating to the work they perform. They understand that their violation may lead to the application of labour or contractual, criminal or administrative measures;
3) they respect the company's unity, strategy, objectives, morals and ethics, share the company culture, and respect relations of superiority and subordination;
4) they act principally on behalf of DPP towards passengers and business partners, always act in an appropriate, courteous, helpful and professional manner and build mutual trust;
5) they respect the rules of competition and commercial practices, protect the good name and reputation of DPP;
6) they always act in accordance with the legal regulations and internal standards of DPP when opening public tenders, respecting the principles of transparency, proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination;
7) they maintain business secrets and respect the confidentiality of information about DPP's business partners and do not abuse it for their own benefit or for the benefit of other persons;
8) they do not offer, promise, accept, solicit or provide gifts, services or other undue or unethical advantages in accordance with the law and the internal standards of DPP;
9) they avoid the possibility of a conflict between their own interests and the interests of DPP and will report such a conflict in the event it arises in accordance with the internal standards of DPP;
10) they avoid any kind of bullying of employees; this provision also applies in the relationship between subordinates and superiors, provide objective and substantiated information to the extent that they are entitled to do so by virtue of their job title or function, and communicate openly and transparently with the public through designated persons;
11) they ensure security protection in the use of IT systems and data processing to the extent appropriate to their job title or position, and prevent the leakage of classified information, business secrets or personal data;
12) they ensure the protection of personal and sensitive data of their own and other DPP employees, and
13) they observe the established ethical principles, actively promote ethical conduct and contribute to the creation of an anti-corruption environment.

The responsible person within the meaning of Section 8(1) of Act No. 418/2011 Coll. 1) a statutory body or a member of the statutory body of DPP, or another person in a leading position within DPP who is authorised to act on behalf of or on behalf of DPP; 2) a person in a leading position within DPP who carries out management or control activities at DPP; 3) a person who exercises decisive influence on the management of DPP, if his or her conduct was at least one of the conditions for the occurrence of a consequence giving rise to the criminal liability of DPP

VII.    Heads of Departments
1) Familiarise subordinate employees with the values and principles of the Code of Conduct and act in such a way as to set a moral and ethical example for others, thereby leading to honesty, decency and personal responsibility;
2) they trust subordinates, set clear and achievable goals for them and foster a sense of accountability;
3) create an environment for the prevention of crime, corruption and unethical behaviour.

Employees deserve the respect, esteem and support of the company due to the demanding and risky nature of their work.

This Code of Conduct should contribute to this, as it is intended to help fulfil the fundamental values and objectives of DPP as a modern and open society.

This Code of Conduct is effective as of: 25 November 2022

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